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Our Data Centers and Network: everything within the U.S.
Every Web and Mail Server Deserves a Good Home
Just like a freeway system, the internet has major arterials as well as a web of smaller roads. Web pages that reside very close to the major roads have a shorter distance to travel than those in remote locations.
In the United States, there are 13 cities on what is called the internet 'Backbone' (the major arteries). Web Studio Seattle's servers reside in five data centers, all inside the United States, and all on or near the "Backbone". Hosting with us ensures that your pages have less distance to travel; the bottom line is a web site that's up to 200% faster than those hosted elsewhere.
Data Centers
Each center is staffed 24 x 7 with highly trained, experienced support engineers. Support engineers are required to go through annual code of conduct reviews. All facilities follow a well-defined security policy. This policy is regularly audited and modified, as needed, in order to maintain the highest standards. The facilities are SAS-70 certified, HIPAA compliant and maintain current SunTone™ and IBM Hosting Advantage™ certifications.
Physical Security
The center facilities are staffed with 24/7 security personnel. Badge/Photo ID access screening as well as biometric access screening are employed for an added level of security. All visitors are required to pass through multiple levels of security and are required to be escorted at all times. Sensitive security areas within the centers are protected by motion sensors and security breach alarms. Video cameras installed throughout the centers are monitored by security personnel.
Network Security
All systems are designed to maintain a quality of service throughout the network by prioritizing packets to maintain an order of precedence of services. Each network device is equipped to filter out DOS attacks. We also offer intelligent, multilayer access control that can be utilized to protect the network from the impact of attacks while reducing the risk of inadvertently discarding legitimate traffic.
Backup Power
Data centers hosting Web Studio Seattle servers provide dual power availability to each rack unit from independent power distribution units (PDUs), removing PDU loss as a single point of failure. To ensure stable connectivity, we provide a redundant Need+1 (N+1) design of uninterruptible power supplies utilizing two separate commercial power feeds from two separate power grids to provide power to the center. Five redundant standby generators guarantee consistent operation in the event of a power failure from commercial power. These generators are equipped with approximately 72 hours of diesel fuel on site, and multiple contractors are on call to refuel to the storage tanks.
Disaster Control
World-class facilities feature seismically braced racks and are designed to withstand disastrous conditions, ensuring that your systems and equipment continue to run even under extreme conditions. A second point of presence is always available to clients seeking fail-safe redundancy.
Environmental Controls
Need+1 (N+1) design of cooling towers, water pumps and chillers maintain a controlled environment. Conditions are a uniform 68-71° with 50% relative humidity. Multiple air handling units provide another level of redundancy to further ensure consistently sound environmental conditions.
Fire Protection
Fire detection and suppression systems ensure 24/7 protection of your critical systems. Dual fire detection (photo electronic/ionization and sniffer) systems and VESDA® fire alarm systems are in place to constantly monitor for any potential areas of concern. A multi-zone pre-action dry pipe suppression system allows any suppression necessary to be contained to the affected area; conditions elsewhere will not be disrupted.
Information on this page is subject to change without notice. All photographs of data center interiors are figurative. Please contact us with questions.
Web Studio Seattle | SeattleWebHost.com
4701 SW Admiral Way, STE 310
Seattle, WA 98116-2340
206-329-5000 • Email
A Full Service Web Hosting & Design Studio
Established in Seattle in 1998 | Clients in over 40 states
© 1998-2025 • Web Studio Seattle